Offshore Wind HVDC Interaction Studies

East Anglia is an area of comparatively low demand and net export to the wider transmission system area that already features a range of generation technologies, both conventional and power electronic sources. In the transition to Net Zero, there is expected to be nuclear power remaining alongside a significant increase in power electronic connections; the largest contributions coming from offshore wind and interconnectors in the area.

There are several parts of GB where offshore wind farms will connect through new HVDC links. With converter stations in close proximity, performance of each individual project at its onshore connection point is likely to depend on overall performance of all projects and their interaction with the rest of the power system.

The National HVDC Centre is conducting a study to explore possible control system interaction risks between multiple HVDC converter stations. The studies are using the PSCAD software to build suitable models of the network area of interest with the new HVDC converter stations and conduct a range of studies to assess interaction risks. The purpose of this work is to identify risks and possible mitigations in a time frame suitable to inform project designs.